It seems that life is very much getting back to normal now that mask regulations have literally been lifted! This is great news for couples who are currently organizing their wedding and reception. And it's good news for vendors too. If you are still a little nervous about the virus, then go ahead and have a mini-wedding, which remains a popular trend. Or, have the number of guests you desire, but do everything outside. |
We have all come to love the outdoor seating in restaurants over the past couple of years, and who doesn't think an outdoor bar is fun!

There are so many outdoor venue options in Southern California. And because of our year-round glorious weather, we can almost guarantee sunshine, or at least no rain, during the months from May through November.
Times are ever-changing, but one thing seems very sure right now; weddings are back in full swing. Large hotels all over LA County are making the most of all the new wedding bookings for this summer and next year is also booking up rapidly.
Times are ever-changing, but one thing seems very sure right now; weddings are back in full swing. Large hotels all over LA County are making the most of all the new wedding bookings for this summer and next year is also booking up rapidly.

Love, marriage and wedding celebrations are bright and booming, and I couldn't feel happier. And by the way, this week marks my husband's my 30TH Wedding Anniversary, and of course, celebrate we did!!!